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Scene App

iOS App | Concept Project | 2 weeks

Home screen mockup tilted

Role:             UX & UI Designer, UX Researcher, Design Lead

Team:          Ryan Massenzio, Samantha Gosling

Tools:           Figma, Whiteboard, Miro

Methods:    Mind Map, Screener Surveys, User Interviews, Affinity Mapping, User Persona, Journey Mapping, Design Studio, MoSCoW Map, Competitive Matrix, Competitive & Comparative Analysis, Sketching, Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing, Specifications Document



We wanted to explore how people discover and attend musical  experiences in NYC.



People relied on word of mouth & social media to find music events and often made last minute plans.



A centralized platform that allows users to discover unique music events tailored to their interests.

Research kickoff 


We screened 31 survey participants and interviewed 5 of them, we focused on NYC residents who have attended or are interested in live music, shows and intimate concerts.

Screener Survey Stats 1.png
Research & Synthesis Stats



To design the right solution, we synthesized our research observations from user interviews and identified the trends using "I" statements to create our user persona.

Goal: To discover new intimate music shows she might not know about 




Need: Easy access to events updates that is tailored to her interests

Scene Persona Billie

Behaviors: Finds events through word of mouth and makes last minute plans




Pain Point: Misses events sometimes for lack of information or reminders


Billie's Journey 


While taking a closer look at Billie's mental model through her journey of finding a music event for the weekend, we came across a couple of opportunities where we can help her to achieve her goals.

How might we help Billie stay informed of underground intimate musical experiences while keeping her notified of when they are happening?

Competitive Matrix
Home screen mockup

Why a native iOS app? 


  • Our research shows that 4/5 users used iPhones as a primary platform to find musical experiences in NYC.


  • Using location services and push notifications as missing events was one of Billie’s pain points.

Uncovering a gap in the market 


We decided to be music specific and focus on intimate underground events because our research showed that the market was not meeting all users' needs in that area.

Standing out from the crowd 


Performing a competitive & comparative analysis helped us realize that by offering a personalized experience through interest selection we would fulfill Billie's need & stand out from the competition too.

Competitive & Comparative Analysis

Feature prioritization 


For this design sprint we wanted to finish our MVP and test it to get quick user feedback so we prioritized the absolute must have features through a MoSCoW map.

MoSCoW Map.png
Login page sketch
Login Mid-Fi

From sketches to mid-fi  


Our content is only available for registered users as it allows us to customize their experience and keep them in the know about what's going on.

A personalized experience  


Right after signing up, Billie can select all of the music genres that she’s interested in to have a selection of events that are tailored to her needs.

Select interest page sketch
Interest Selected Page Mid-Fi
Results page sketch
Results Page Mid-Fi

Quick access to all features  


Billie can easily change results through sliding the genres's carousel. Or she can reach search, tickets, favorites & account right from the tab bar.

A one-stop shop!


Billie can read about the event, setup a reminder, share it with friends, add to favorites or even buy tickets. All from the event’s page.

Event page sketch
Event Page Mid-Fi

Does it work for Billie?


5 out 5.png

users were able to login & find a live blues event under than $20


5 out 5.png

users were able to book a ticket and set up a reminder for the event


3 out 5.png

were confused about selecting "notifications" on the events page

Going Hi-Fidelity 


After a successful usability testing round where the users completed their task easily and quickly we moved on to creating the hi-fi prototype using Figma.

Select genres page mockup

Discovering new artists! 


Users loved scrolling through new events and the ability to discover new musicians that people with similar interests are attending and following.

Preparing the design handoff 


After having the prototype ready we prepared for the developers' handoff so they can build the MVP and take the users' feedback into the next iteration.

Scene Style Guide.png

Next Steps:


  • Conduct a usability testing round for the hi-fi prototype.

  • Deliver the design handoff to the developers.

  • Explore adding an event calendar that was requested by 3 users.

* published by UX Planet

Elevating the experience

with micro interactions!


Users are able to easily customize their displayed events through sliding the genres they follow.

Results Page Animation.png
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© 2020 designed & created by ayman alajati ∙ all rights reserved 

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